Today we're talking about design -- post up links to homework page which should link to your home page mockup (among other things) Also- lets go over the other homework, which was the javascript flyout menu.
Everyone will do a presentation-- introduce yourself and your client, show us your wireframe diagrams, your re-written version of your creative brief, and most importantly- your home page mockup
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Week #7
- More Javascript
- Arrays, Review: A grouping of multiple values under the
same name, for example you can have a variable called Beatles that
contains all four band members.
var beatles = Array(4);
beatles[0] = "John";
beatles[1] = "Paul";
beatles[2] = "George";
beatles[3] = "Ringo";
the syntax is working like this:
var name_of_array = Array(length);
name_of_array[index] ="value_of_this_element";
- An Element is a one of the values in an array.
- The Length is the number of elements that you want the array
to contain. - Populating is adding elements to an array.
- The Index is where you specify the order of the array.
- Numeric Arrays have an incremental number index
starting from 0, like the example above. - Associative Arrays
- Associative Array uses a string instead of a number for its
index. - If you use an Associative Array you can reference elements by
name instead of number.
var beatles = Array(); // notice that the length can be left blank if you want
beatles[vocalist] = "John";
beatles[Rhythmguitar] = "Paul";
beatles[bass] = "George";
beatles[drummer] = "Ringo";
- You can also create an Array to hold other arrays.
var beatles = Array(); // notice that the length can be left blank if you want
beatles[vocalist] = lennon;
beatles[Rhythmguitar] = mccartney;
beatles[bass] = harrison;
beatles[drummer] = star;
var lennon = Array();
lennon[firstname] = "John"; //notice that the value of these elements can be
lennon[birthyear] = 1940; //numbers
lennon[living] = false; //or boolean values - Remember the example to play with
- Associative Array uses a string instead of a number for its
- Operations
- Operations allow you to do calculations and manipulate data.
- Operators are symbols that Javascript uses to perform operations.
- We've been using (=) operator to perform assignments.
- Arithmetic operators: Addition (+), Subtraction
(-), Multiplication (*), Division (/) - Operations can be combined.
- Operations can be used in
a variable and performed
on a variable. - Operations shortcuts:
- (++) increases the value of a numeric variable by 1.
- (--) decreases the value of a numeric variable by 1.
- (+=) performs addition (or concatenation) and assignment
at the same time.
var year = 2005;
var message = "the year is";
message += year;
alert (message);
- Concatenations:
- Concatenations join strings, numbers or variables together
using the (+) operator.
var mood = "happy";
var message = "I am feeling"+mood;
- Concatenations join strings, numbers or variables together
- Conditional Statements
- Javascript uses conditional statements to make decisions based
on the criteria given. A conditional statement sets up a condition
that must be evaluated before the rest of the script can be read.
if (condition){
for example:
if (1>2) {
alert("the world has gone made");
- The if statement is the most common. The condition
is always going to be either true or false. - The if statement can be expanded using else.
Statements inside of the else clause will be executed only when
the if condition is false.
alert("the world has gone mad!!!!! OMG!!!!");
else {
alert("everything is fine, chill out");
} - Comparison Operators: greater than (>),
less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), less than
or equal to (<=), equality (==) and inequality (!=).
- Check for equality the right way.
- Don't try to check for equality the wrong way. Remember the = sign is
used for assignments. - Check for inequality.
- Operands: are operations combined in a conditional
statement - Logical Operators: and (&&) and or
(||) are used to combine operators, and not (!)
is used to reverse the value of a statement. All three
return Boolean values of either true or false.
- The and operation (&&)
will only be true if both operands are true. - The or operation (||)
will be true if one of its operands is true or if both of
its operands are true. It will be false only when both operands
are false. - The not operation (!)
works on a single operand and switches the returned value
from true to false or false to true.
- The and operation (&&)
- Javascript uses conditional statements to make decisions based
- Looping Statements
- Looping is used to execute the same statement a number of times.
The code with in the looping statement executes until the condition
is no longer true. - while: the code within the curly braces will
be executed until the condition is false. In this example the
code will execute 10 times until the value of the count turns
11 and the condition becomes false. If nothing happens to affect
the condition the loop will execute forever.
while (condition){
var count = 1;
while (count < 11) {
} - do while: similar to the syntax of a regular
loop, but this loop will execute even if the condition is false.
} while (condition);
- for: a cleaner way of executing loops. Everything
relevant to the loop is contained within the parentheses.
for (initial condition; test condition; alter condition){
for (var count =1; count < 11; count++){
alert (count);
and a more complex example:
var beatles = Array("John","Paul","George","Ringo");
for (var count=0; count < beatles.length; count++){
- Looping is used to execute the same statement a number of times.
- Functions
- A function is a group of statements that can be invoked from
anywhere in your code.
function name(arguments){
function multiply(num1, num2) {
var total = num1 * num2;
} - Functions are good for reusing pieces of code. Once you define
a function, you can reuse it by simply calling it by name. - You can pass data to a function and have them act on that data.
These are called arguments. A function can use
multiple arguments, separated by commas. Once the arguments are
passed to the function they can be used like variables.
multiply(10,2); - Use the return statement to return a number,
string, array or Boolean value. In this example the function take
one argument, returns a number and then assigns the number to
a new variable.
function convertToCelsius(temp) {
var result = temp -32;
result = result / 1.8;
return result;
var temp_fahrenheit = 95;
var temp_celsius = convertToCelsius(temp_fahrenheit);
- A function is a group of statements that can be invoked from
- Objects
- An object is a self-contained collection of data that takes
two forms: property and method. Properties and
methods are combined to form an object. - A property is a variable (like mood or age)
that belongs to an object. - A method is a function (like walk or sleep)
that can be invoked by the object. - To use a specific object an instance of that
object must be created. - Native Objects are those that come pre-made
for use in your scripts. - You can create your own User-Defined Objects,
but not quite yet. - Host Objects are objects provided by the browser.
Early Javascript used the properties and methods of the window
object, sometimes called the Browser Object Model. Stay away
from the the window object and work with the Document Object.
- An object is a self-contained collection of data that takes
- Arrays, Review: A grouping of multiple values under the
- IF we Have Time, even More Javascript
- Intro to the Document Object Model
- The Document Object Model represents the web page that is currently
loaded in the browser. Think of the DOM as map of the web page and
think of using JavaScript to read the map. - The document is represented as a family tree or document
tree. - Nodes
- Element Nodes: All the elements , like h1, p,
ul, etc. are all nodes on the tree. The have relationships to each
other, like parent, child, sibling. All elements contain other elements,
except <html> which is the root of the tree. - Text Nodes: are the text the elements contain,
like <h2>Resume</h2>. Text nodes are
always contained inside an element node. - Attribute Nodes: give more specific info about
an element, like <h2 title="my resume">Resume</h2>
- Element Nodes: All the elements , like h1, p,
- DOM Methods
- getElementById: This method is a function associated
with the document object. It takes just one argument: the id of
the element you want to get.
See Example on w3c site - getElementsByTagName: Using this method gives
you access to an array that is populated with every instance of
the tag. You have access to multiple elements.
See Example on w3c site - getAttribute: This method can only be used on
an element node.
here is an example
Combined with getElementsByTagName, use it to get
the attribute of a specific element, or in this example the title attributes of each of the "p" tags in the document .
var paras = document.getElementByTagName("p");
for (var i=0; i < paras.length; i++){
} - setAttribute: This method allows you to change
the value of an attribute node. Unlike the others, it takes two
arguments: one for attribute and one for value.
- getElementById: This method is a function associated
- Now we will talk about this Sub nav flyout example of a fly-out secondary menu
- Make your own version of the Sub nav flyout example This is due in two weeks
- Make your own version of the single image roll over from two weeks ago click here for example - this i assigned last week in class but didn't write down so its due next week
- OPTIONAL EXTRA CREDIT CHALLENGE - if you DARE! (OMG its so exciting!) create a menu that combines a single image rollover with a javascript subnav.
- First Draft of Home page mockup (comp) -- this is a JPG file, you can create it in photoshop, and its your first idea for the over-all design of your client's site using the home page as an example. Once the design direction is approved by your client, you will use the design of this first designed home page to guide the style of all the pages.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Week #6
- as always, post a link to your homework page where i should be able to see your revised creative brief (that you should have sent to you client for approval, btw, if i didn't say that before) and your site outline and the Single image roll-over nav that we talked about last week.
- WE CAN NOW put our stuff up on the school's server. YAY!
Here is the info:
ftp Host:
directory: public_html/
login: ad2231
password: same as what its been only the o is a zero
to hit this from a web browser use this URL: - Rick Rollingdo not click this link
- Design Phase:
- How to Make a Functional Spec - Navigation: Main Nav. Vs. alt Nav. Motivated user vs. unmotivated user - When navigation strategy becomes part of marketing message, eg. SENSEI
- Examples and Tips in image production -- Take Notes!
- Browser Cam introduction and
user set up. - XTHML, CSS and JavaScript (the
Behavior Layer) - Introduction to Javascript (from the DOM Scripting
- JavaScript Defined
JavaScript is a scripting language that's used to add interactivity
and dynamic behaviors to web pages and applications. JavaScript can
interact with other components of a web page, such as HTML and CSS,
to make them change in real time, or respond to user events.... more. - A Brief History of JavaScript
JavaScript fist appeared in 1995 in Netscape 2. IE quickly released
it's own version called VBScript in IE3. A standard was created by
the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) called ECMA
script. DHTML became a popular and then dirty buzzword as the browser
wars were fought in the late 1990's and as each browser used it's
own Document Object Model. DOM Scripting is the correct term for describing
the interaction of XHTML, CSS and Javascript. - The DOM
The Document Object Model is an API (Application Programming
Interface). It is an agreed upon standard that makes it possible for
programs and scripts to dynamically access and update documents on
the web. The W3C created a DOM that could be used by many different
programming languages. Real world examples are Morse Code, Time Zones,
the Periodic Table of Elements.
- JavaScript Defined
- JavaScript Syntax (the structural rules of a language)
- Statements: A series of instructions
//comments look like this
// and need slashes on each line
you do this */statement;
- Comments: Like HTML comments, they are used to
keep track what's happening in your script.//comments look like this
// and need slashes on each line
you do this */
- Keywords: Predefined terms, like var or
Array - Variables: Things that are subject to change, like
mood and age.
- Parts of a Variable
- Variable names are case sensitive and can't
contain spaces or puncuation. - Assignment: Giving value to a variable, like
happy or 25 - Contains: When an assignment has been given,
the variable mood "contains" the value happy. - Declare: Before assignment values to a variable
the variable should be introduced or "declared". - Literal: Something that is literally written
out in Javascript code, like "happy". - Scalars: A variable that can only have one
value at a time, like Strings, Numbers and Boolean Values - Data Types
- Data Types: Strings
- Strings consist of 0 or more characters and must be enclosed
in either single or double quotes. - Escaping is used when a quote is used as part of a the string.
The backslash character is used.
- Strings consist of 0 or more characters and must be enclosed
- W3C's excellent example page
- Data Types: Numbers
- Floating-point numbers (decimals) and negative numbers can
be used.
- Floating-point numbers (decimals) and negative numbers can
- Data Types: Boolean Values
- Boolean data has only two possible values: true or false
- Arrays: A grouping of multiple values under
the same name, for example you can have a variable called Beatles
that contains all four band members.
- An Element is a one of the values in an array.
- The Length is the number of elements that you want the array
to contain. - Populating is adding elements to an array.
- The Index is where you specify the order of the array.
- Numeric Array has an incremental number index starting from
0 - Associative Array uses a string instead of a number for
its index.
- Parts of a Variable
- Statements: A series of instructions
- DOM Scripting Prep
- Read through Chapter 1 and 2 from the DOM Scripting book to get
an understanding of the Javascript basics.
- Read through Chapter 1 and 2 from the DOM Scripting book to get
- Site Outline Due today / Functional Spec Assigned, it will be due next week, Functional Spec, in this case includes two things:
- wireframes
- site map
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Week #5
- Post a link to your homework page to the comments section of this todays page here, and make sure there are links to your homework for today which was..... a) a competitive analysis b) creative brief, c) adding rounder corners to some part of your bill of rights page
- Initial Project Presentations
- Live Text vs. Graphic Text
- Foreground vs. Background Image
- Discovery Phase: How to Write a Site Outline
- How to write a project schedule
- Image Replacement
- Image Replacement methods Example
- Now we will talk about how to do a Single-image menu roll over
- Interaction
Design | Interaction
Patterns: Types of Navigation-- Horizontal Navigation, Vertical
Navigation, Horizontal Global Navigation and Vertical Local Navigation,
Tabbed Navigation, Drop-Down Navigation, Breadcrumb Navigation. - excellent resource
- Design Patterns
- SIte Outline: this is a list of every page in your site, and then within each page, all the sub-parts of that page, every major piece of content that will reside on that page-- you will give this to your client also-- the point is to make sure you have every part of the content accounted for and you're not forgetting anything. You don't want to be halfway through the design and then say 'whoops i forgot the whatever page'- trust me.
- Project Schedule: this needs to show when you're going to do what from now till the end of the semester, and importantly , also what your client is going to do and when- you will give this to your client as well as turning it in as homework- it shows when they need to get back to you with feedback on each part of the job
- One example of the single image roll over menu that we did-- it needs to have at least 3 links, they should be in list form.... because....say it with me now... a menu is a list. and it needs to have a normal state and a roll over state for each item
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