Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week #5

  1. Post a link to your homework page to the comments section of this todays page here, and make sure there are links to your homework for today which was..... a) a competitive analysis b) creative brief, c) adding rounder corners to some part of your bill of rights page

  2. Initial Project Presentations

  3. Live Text vs. Graphic Text

  4. Foreground vs. Background Image

  5. Discovery Phase: How to Write a Site Outline

  6. How to write a project schedule

  7. Image Replacement

    • Image Replacement methods Example

  8. Now we will talk about how to do a Single-image menu roll over

  9. Interaction
    | Interaction
    : Types of Navigation-- Horizontal Navigation, Vertical
    Navigation, Horizontal Global Navigation and Vertical Local Navigation,
    Tabbed Navigation, Drop-Down Navigation, Breadcrumb Navigation.

  10. excellent resource

  11. Design Patterns


  1. SIte Outline: this is a list of every page in your site, and then within each page, all the sub-parts of that page, every major piece of content that will reside on that page-- you will give this to your client also-- the point is to make sure you have every part of the content accounted for and you're not forgetting anything. You don't want to be halfway through the design and then say 'whoops i forgot the whatever page'- trust me.

  2. Project Schedule: this needs to show when you're going to do what from now till the end of the semester, and importantly , also what your client is going to do and when- you will give this to your client as well as turning it in as homework- it shows when they need to get back to you with feedback on each part of the job

  3. One example of the single image roll over menu that we did-- it needs to have at least 3 links, they should be in list form.... because....say it with me now... a menu is a list. and it needs to have a normal state and a roll over state for each item


Sabina said...

http://classes.jayvanburen.com/students/SabinaIwaszek/competitive- analysis.doc

Anthony said...
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Anthony said...


Clifton Muhammad said...


Clifton Muhammad said...





http://classes.jayvanburen.com/students/muhammad/New Minds.rtf

Sabina said...



Unknown said...


Faby said...
